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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Preparing for Summer Rainstorms: Essential Safety Tips for Salem, Windham, and Kingston Residents

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Living amidst the stunning landscapes of Salem, Windham, and Kingston, with their picturesque bodies of water like lakes, ponds, and rivers, is undeniably enchanting. However, these same waterways can pose a threat when severe weather strikes, leading to potentially devastating floods. Just because you haven't encountered flooding yet doesn't mean you're immune from its effects. Preparation is key for safeguarding your home, business, and loved ones in the face of such natural disasters. Here are some essential tips to help you get ready:

For Homeowners:

  1. Develop an evacuation plan for your family and pets: Identify evacuation routes around your home and mark areas prone to flooding due to rivers, lakes, and ponds. If you encounter flooded roads, turn back immediately. If trapped in a flooding vehicle, exit and seek higher ground.

  2. Prepare an emergency bag for your home and vehicle: Include essentials such as water, non-perishable food, a battery-powered radio, flashlights, a first aid kit, personal hygiene items, cell phone chargers, blankets, rain gear, extra clothing for each family member, baby or pet supplies, copies of personal documents, and extra cash.

  3. Safeguard important documents: Store important documents like insurance policies, property deeds, and identification in waterproof containers or digitally encrypt them to ensure they survive potential flooding intact.

  4. Secure valuables and hazardous materials: Move valuable items to higher ground or to an upper floor to protect them from water damage. Additionally, properly seal and store hazardous materials to prevent contamination in the event of flooding.

In times of trouble, remember that SERVPRO of Salem/Plaistow is here to assist you. Give us a call at 603-893-9700 if floodwaters rise, invade your home and you need help. We're always ready to lend a hand.

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